Bibliography of secondary sources


Adams, Noah.

Ainslie, Patricia.

Arellano, Ruben.

Arnold, Andrew D.

Associated Press.

Avermaete, Roger.

Beaty, Bart.

Beronä, David A.

Bibliognost (May 1976).

Bieri, Sean.

Blackbeard, Bill.


Cohen, Martin.

Gordon, Ian.

Grice, Bonnie.

Groensteen, Thierry.

Harvey, R.C.

Kreiner, Rich.

Kunzle, David.

Lanier, Chris.

Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut.

Lindsley, Joseph H.

Logan, David.

Moliterni, Claude

Molotiu, Andrei.

Packalén, Leif.

Radford, Bill.

Rath, Jay.

Michael Rhode, Tom Furtwangler, and David Wybenga.

Ward, Lynd.

Wessler, Mary

Willett, Perry.

Williams, Gil.
